Bajan Dialect - Community News 2



St. Mark's Primary has a new principal. She is Gretchen Bailey-Jones. Mrs Bailey Jones resides in St. Catherines/Clarkes Hill, St. Philip. She is the sister of Holly Stuart who also taught at St. Mark's. (October 2023)




Jacqueline (Jackie) Smith chief coordinator.
For three graduations now, two pupils of the St. Mark’s Primary School have been recipients of the Smiths Humanitarian Awards.

The Smiths Humanitarian Awards is a financial contribution by members of the Smith family to two deserving pupils of St. Mark’s Primary School to assist with their preparation for entry into secondary school. Members of the family are Wendy, Michelle and Jaqueline and the late Sandra and Peter. The Awards is coordinated by the St. Mark’s Old Scholars’ Association.

Wendy, Sandra and Peter attended St. Mark’s in the sixties. Michelle attended St. Mark’s for three short years, from 1975 – 1977 inclusively before moving to Charles F Broome and later Coleridge and Parry. By this time, her mother, Wendy, had left for the USA. Jacqueline attended from 1976 – 1983 before going on to Springer Memorial. Unfortunately, while only in first form, she lost her mother, Sandra.

After secondary School, both Jacqueline and Michelle moved to the USA to join Wendy.

Michelle is now a legal secretary. Jacqueline, the coordinator of the Awards earned a master’s degree in business administration and is, today, a Global Finance and Consolidation’s manager.

Feeling compelled to give back to the Barbadian community, the family initiated the Smiths Humanitarian Awards in 2020.


John Goddard publishes a book.

click link to see the book.




It is with shock and sadness that we learn that Angela Watson of College Savannah, St. John is in a very serious condition in the hospital. Let us pray for her recovery.

Tragic Accident
Last night "STOKES" GREENIDGE was killed in an accident. Stokes who was born in Thickets, was visiting from England. He was the brother of Douglas and Hassel; and related to Arlington Hunte, Lorrine Hunte-Burke and Terry Hunte. Will update when I have the accurate information - names etc.


      Rev. David Yarde has been officially  installed as
      the priest in charge of St. Mark's and St. Catherines
      churches. The installation took place on Saturday,
      9th September 2017 at St. Mark's Church.

Reports are that Ifill 'Pug' Mason has been hopitalized. It is understood that he is not talking. Further information will be shared as it is brought to our attention.


Reports are that Georgie Springer, husband of Marcelle Springer nee Gooding, died suddenly today.(19th April, 2017


Fire last night gutted the "Yellow Shop" opposite St.Mark's Primary School, and next to Gloria's. The shop on the hill was run by Orville Folkes better know as Bandy.

Lost of leg
Cuthbert "Junie" Lucas has had a leg amputated. Diabetes continues to take a toll on the local population.

Broken Hip

Miss Cooper
of Three Houses Hill has been hospitalized with a broken hip. Keep Miss Cooper in your prayers.

The St. Philip Book
G. Addinton Forde11.09.2016

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am indeed privileged to be given the opportunity to review Addinton Forde’s latest book – The St. Philip Book. I think it fitting, however, to treat the occasion not just as the launch of another book, but the celebration of Addinton, the Author. So please bear with me, as I spend a little time on Addy, as he is familiarly known to us.

G. Addinton Forde is a born and bred Philipeen. He was born in 1945 and to the best of my knowledge lived his entire life at Three House Hill, in St. Philip. This means that there are some 68 years of memories, information, influence, passion and pride of St. Philip bottled up inside this author.

He was educated at the St. Mark’s Boys’ School, in St. Philip, and the Lodge School which is just around the corner from St. Philip. In 1969 he joined the staff of the Princess Margaret Secondary School, in St. Philip where he taught English, Art and Physical Education.

During 1984 – 1985, he was seconded to the National Cultural Foundation as the Cultural Officer for St. Philip (and East St. Michael). What is clear here is that up to this time nearly 40 years of Addy’s life had been inextricably linked to St. Philip and the surrounding districts. In 1986, he moved to the NCF as Cultural Officer for Barbadian Folklore, on a permanent basis.

Addy was also a calypsonian and went by the name ‘Addinton’. He sang with the Conquerors’ Calypso Tent of which he was a founding member. The Tent was based in St. Philip of course.

With such a strong attachment to and grounding in St. Philip, it was only a matter of time before The St. Philip Book was born.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no doubt that Addy’s attachment to the NCF significantly impacted his career as an author, an author whose works reflect a tremendous amount of research, and for the most part, capture the culture of a people.

Addy’s first published work was ‘Kites, a Monograph’. This objective of this work was no doubt to highlight a pastime of his contemporaries but more importantly to preserve for posterity that element of a past generation.

In 1987, ‘De Mortar-Pestle: A Collection of Barbadian Proverbs’, was published. In my opinion this remains the most sought after work of the author.

Next came ‘Folk Beliefs of Barbados’, in 1988; In 1996. ‘Bajan Quizzes, more than 850 questions to test your knowledge of Barbados and the Caribbean’ hit the book stores. “The 1937 Disturbances of Barbados: a summary of the Dean Commission” is the one book furthest removed from the cultural and folklore tendency of the author. This work is more historical in nature. In “It Happened in Barbados” true stories about ordinary Barbadians, Addinton drifts back to his folklore proclivity. This is followed by “Ossie Moore”, another greatly sought after folklore contribution. Addinton also published: Place Names of Barbados, (2003); Nick Names of Barbados (2003); The Quizz Book of Love, Marriage and Sex (2005) and “Warri: The African Board Game as played in Barbados and Antigua.”

Hence we can see that G. Addinton Forde is indeed one of the most prolific writers in Barbados and definitely the most prolific in St. Philip. And one way in which we can show our appreciation and recognition of this outstanding Philipeen author, is to buy his works. Every household in St. Philip should possess at least one the titles mentioned above.
Ladies and gentlemen, please stand and give Addy a loud round of applause for the great work he has done thus far.

Now I come to The St. Philip Book. The moment I saw the St. Philip Book on Amazon on the internet, I was impressed. The cover immediately grabbed my attention. My immediate reaction was to give Addy a call and commend him on the work. Caribbean Chapters Publishing Inc. must be congratulated for conceptualising the cover. The lighthouse on the front cover stands tall and proud as a symbol of the pride of the people of St. Philip who are known as a proud people. The East Point Lighthouse or the Ragged Point lighthouse as it is also known, is one of the most commanding structures, if not the most commanding, in St. Philip. It is therefore, not surprising that it was chosen to grace the cover of the St. Philip Book. It also seems to suggest that St. Philip stands out as the guiding light for the rest of the country. The beacon seems to suggest that inside these covers is a wealth of information.

The purple, as explained by Addinton on page ten, represents the colour designated to St. Philip when the Parish Ambassadors’ programme was established in 1995.

A quick glance at the contents page tells you that the book of 116 pages is shock full of information on many aspects of the parish: from Factories in St. Philip to Bushy Park Racing Circuit, St. Philip Carnival, Churches in St. Philip, Playing Fields in St. Philip, Bayfield Pond, the Barbados National Oil Company, Nick Names of St. Philip, Culpepper Island and much more.

The St. Philip Book comes at a time when there is a growing sense of pride among Philipeens. Nowadays we constantly hear of ‘the republic of St. Philip’ and St. Philip uh come from. Young and old Philipeens are wearing St. Philip proudly on their sleeves. In fact, it might very well be that sense of pride that has caused the book to be written.

The format and style makes for easy reading. The author has drawn on his years of experience to ensure that the style in terms of expression is such that the reader is not turned off. Addinton has given the book the kind of breathing space that makes it light reading. It is set out in such a manner that you can pick up the book and start reading at any page. The articles are not long winded or too wordy. This fact must not be understated, as it comes at a time when people tell you openly that they do not read. Against this background, it was necessary for the author to ensure that once you opened the book, you would not want to put it down. In my opinion he has succeeded.

Again, Caribbean Chapters Publishing Inc. must be given kudos. The interior layout of The St. Philip Book is exceptional. The use of colourful pictures and text boxes with snippets of information throughout the book, captures the imagination of the reader. The pictures are of exceptional quality and are simply breath-taking.  The photographers should take a bow. Ones that stand out in my mind can be found on pages 41and 42. Had these pages been shown to me in a vacuum, I would never have guessed that these were pictures of Bayfield Pond. In short, the reader is taken on a picturesque journey through St. Philip.

Earlier, I said that Addinton has spent most of his life if not all, in the parish of St. Philip. What is clearly evident in The St. Philip Book is that the author has an intimate knowledge of most of the content before us. I am acutely aware that Addinton grew up at Three Houses Hill and spent much of his childhood by the spring and the area which is now The Park. It is therefore, not surprising that the section on pages 16 to 20 is so detailed. The author lived the experience. He writes: “There were little mullets about three inches long, black, grey or mottled, some with gold-coloured tails. There were black shrimp, and other small crustaceans locally called crayfish, about three inches long with a left claw several times larger than the right, and with bright spots of red, orange, blue or green on the head. There were also fresh water lobsters, with six to eight inch bodies and claws of corresponding length. The spring also had eels, some of them 24 inches long.”

Despite Addy’s intimate knowledge of his subject, it is obvious that much research has gone into the project. On page 86 we learn that there are some 52 churches in St. Philip. Each church is listed, even the ones based in schools; page 77/78 list the names of some 92 districts in St. Philip; and the names of some 24 plantations past and present are documented on page 115.

As to be expected the major institutions in St. Philip are accounted for. They are The Government Industrial School, Dodds Prison, The Barbados National Oil Company. The Crane Hotel, Sunbury Plantation House, The Barbados Labour College and The St. Philip District Hospital. One notable omission is The St. Philip Post Office which was rebuilt in the Emerald City Complex. The old Post Office which was a critical institution in the early days, was situated next to Princess Margaret school, and next to the Post Office was the St. Philip Branch Library.

One may be easily tempted to think that the information contained in The St. Philip Book is common knowledge, well known by all. Not so at all. Addinton has been able to record information, hither to unknown to most. Most Barbadians over fifty years know of the HARP gun, but not many know that, according to Addinton, “the gun, 110ft long was landed at Foul Bay beach on a flat bottom boat. A Special railway line was built for the gun, the railway itself being only a few metres long. It was laid out in front and the gun towed along to the end, then the section behind was dismantled and placed ahead of the gun and re-assembled. This process was repeated until the gun reached its final destination at Paragon, Christ Church.” The rest is history.

On page 76, mention is made of three private schools in St. Philip. Most persons know of Miss Skeene and Mapps College but not many know of Trents which was located in Blades Hill, a few yards from the current St. Mark’s Primary school.

Not many remember the once house-hold name, Bob Reece, page 22. Bob Reece was a very important resource person in the 1950s. Then manager of Three Houses sugar factory, he owned a barometer and a small plane called Miss Bim. It was to him that Bajans looked for the weather news. The single-engine plane was a common sight in the skies of Barbados, and its monotone drone a regular interruption of the quiet of the day. This particular reference brings back a flood of memories to me.

Another significant bit of nostalgia is provided at page 61. The Zoo once housed at Oughterson is now a forgotten moment in time. The zoo, established by the late Bill Miller was one of the largest attractions in the island. It was there that many Barbadians saw large snakes, and parrots and other exotic birds for the first time.

Enough cannot be said about the reader-friendly nature of The St. Philip Book. The chapter “It Happened in St. Philip” gives the perfect balance to the out and out information presented. This Chapter comprises eight interesting ‘short’ stories some of which, are sure to bring a smile to the face of the reader. Example, “Wha Paddy Shot at”.

No preview of a text is ever complete without some reference to what could have been. I was extremely surprised that no mention was made of the Untouchables Calypso Tent which put St. Philip on the proverbial map. It was in 1982, that Red Plastic Bag, as a member of Conquerors’ Calypso Tent, tore up the National Stadium and revolutionised the Pic-o-d e Crop competition. The Untouchables Tent was subsequently formed and Red Plastic Bag went on to win many crowns and has become the most popular calypsonian in Barbados.  His meteoric rise and the success of the Untouchables Tent galvanised the people of St. Philip and engendered that sense of pride of which we speak.

Another noticeable omission is the St. Catherine’s Sports Club which was the only first division cricket club in St. Philip. The St. Catherine’s Club won many cups and was the pride and joy of St. Philip.

Another observation, real or imagined, is that most of the material in the St. Philip Book seemed to originate in the north of St. Philip. The fact that the author is from the north of the parish may be responsible for this. It is my hope that future editions will see the inclusion of more information and stories with a genesis in the southern and western part of the parish.

In conclusion, I want to say once again how extremely impressed I am with Addition’s work. I am certain that The St. Philip Book will be his best seller.

Thank you.
E. Jerome Davis


Man arrested for Murder.

A Blades Hill man has been arrested and charged with the murder of Michael Mapp whose body was found in a cane field in May. Akil Grant who hails from St. Vincent was also charged with entering the island illegally .
Another Amputee 
Brenda Bancroft, of fortesque , had her leg amputated below the left knee. (June 2016)
Found Dead  
A Blades Hill #2 man was found dead in a cane field next to the the old Baptist College/ former Fortesque Plantation. He is said to be a member of the Mapp family and goes by the name Beaver. It is alleged that he was shot and partially buried in the field. (Tuesday 24, May 2016)

Joyce Knight, formerly of Blades Hill, was an unlucky victim of the wildfire that has been raging in Canada. Her house and vehicles were completely destroyed by the fire.

Residents of College Savannah and the St. Mark's community woke up this morning to the news that one of their own had been gunned down. Scherno Rose, son of Gloria Rose-Ford, was shot and killed last night near his home in St. Michael by unknown gun men. He was 40 years old. A few weeks ago his mother, Gloria, flew home to give him a surprise birthday party.

Dorothy  Hinkson

Reports are that Mrs. Hinkson is in Hospital. Remember her in your prayers.

Anderson "Wizzard" Weekes has lost the second leg to diabetes. He is currently in hospital and should be release anytime now. Also in hospital is Winfield "Bill Maughns" Quintyne. He too has lost a leg to diabetes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER: Congrats, Mechelle "Sherry Reece, formerly of Blades Hill and an Old Scholar of the St. Mark's Primary. Sherry has been appointed Assistant Professor, Western Kentucky University, College of Health and Human Services - Department of Public Health.

John Goddard and Carmen Reece remain hospitalized. Please remember them in your prayers.

A man who cuffed his pregnant girlfriend has been placed on a bond to keep the peace for six months. Failing to do so, Tonio Thelston Garnes will spend three months in prison.

Magistrate Douglas Frederick sentenced the Blades Hill No. 2, St Philip resident today when he reappeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates Court.

Garnes entered a guilty plea on Thursday after previously denying the charge of assaulting his girlfriend Nikita Jones on June 11 this year and causing her actual bodily harm.

According to the evidence, the two had an argument when the complainant was 33 weeks pregnant. She was injured in her right eye.

Garnes told the court that he hit her after she hit him with a wooden ruler; he then cuffed her in the face. He also informed the court that the woman planned to ask that the matter be discontinued.

When she spoke to the court today, she confirmed that she no longer wanted the case to proceed. Magistrate Frederick then questioned her about Garnes.

She replied that “he good sometimes . . . he ain’t all the bad.” She also said that he has a temper which flares when “people say certain things to him but otherwise he is a good person”.

Garnes also said this behaviour was “not on-going” but was something “that just happen that day”.

“He never see the baby yet and I feel sorry for he,” the woman said.

“I will grant you your wish,” Magistrate Frederick said.

“But I’m also going to put something over you to help you behave yourself,” he told Garnes.

“If you can behave yourself for six months, you can behave yourself for a longer time,” the magistrate said. “And try and keep your hands off the lady.”

Garnes has two priors.

 A new road is being built on Three Houses Hill. It replaces the track that goes past Miss Gregory, the Jessamys and Rosie Downes. It will go all the way round past where Savoury used to live and come back to the main road, completing a semi-circle.


Kirk Clarke grabbed 8 wickets for 36 runs for Sussex in their match against Radcliffe at Valery. In a low scoring match Sussex were bowled out for 61. In reply Radcliffe made 80, with Clarke taking 8/36. Sussex are 23 for 1 in their second innings. Ellis Stuart is the batsman out in the second innings. He made 10.
In a T20 game at College Savannah, Sussex defeated Passage United by 7 wickets. Passage United batting first made 100 in 16 overs. Kirk Clarke took 2/38. Sussex replied with 106/3 in 14.5 overs. S. Davis 48, E. Stuart 19 and M. Maloney 12. (June 17, 2015)


The St. Mark's Resource Centre was declared open on June 6, 2015 by ministers
Michael Lashley and Steve Blackett. At the opening, awards were presented to Dorothy
Hinkson, Marcelle Rudder-Clarke (Basil Rudder received on her behalf) Clyde Volley Brathwaite,
St. Mark's Old Scholars, St. Mark's Credit Union, St. Mark's School and the Blades Hill Nazarene.

This is unbelievable : CONSET BAY

Strong Arm Shopkeeper
A Blades Hill shopkeeper left ones of his regular customers nursing a swollen jaw. It is alleged that a dispute broke out in the shop and the shopkeeper landed a telling blow to the jaw of the customer who frequents the bar. The matter has been reported to the police. Folks, I guess that man won't be eating any pork chops at that bar anytime soon. (May 2015)
Another loses limb to diabetes.                
Reports are that Marva Squires  of Sealy Hall, St. John has joined the list of persons losing a leg to the dreaded diabetes.  Our prayers are with her in her time of distress.
Follow St. Philip Ambassadors


You are asked to keep Ione Pinder in your prayers. Ione is hospitalized. You are also asked to do the same for Christopher (Curleigh) Absalom who was recently released from hospital but is still ailing.(April 17th, 2 015)

listen here :
Seaweed at Consett Bay: click to view;set=vb.100005223822063&amp;type=1"></a><p>Seaweed
New St. Mark's Community Centre.

The New St. Mark's Community Centre is set to open soon. Work at the site is nearing completion. Below 1. pic of  the centre, 2. the new centre next to the old one and 3. the old centre.

Community Centre: The New St. Mark's Community Centre is scheduled to open on March 25th. 2015.


You are kindly asked to remember John Goddard in your prayers. John is currently undergoing some health challenges. The St. Mark's Old Scholars, the St. Mark's Church congregation and the entire St.Mark's community are praying for him at this time.
Licks Like Peas



Reports reaching this site reveal that a Blades Hill #2 man is now in Police custody after putting some hot licks in his Guyanese girlfriend. It is alleged that the man came home and found his girl friend in a compromising position. (Jan. 2015)

First it was the missing windows now it is the missing clothes. A Blades Hill man reports that recently he hung out his clothes to dry in his back yard. When he came back to pick them up a pants and a shirt were missing. The icing on the cake, however, is that while was walking down Blades Hill main road a few days later, he saw a young man in his jeans pants. He said to the young man: "So you wearing my jeans pants." The young man smiled and kept on walking.  If you doubt me ask Wills Weekes. What next?
Case of the Window Bandits? 
A shocking sight greeted Michael Quintyne of Supers when he looked out of his house at the other house next door which he was renovating. To his dismay, thieves had stolen all the new windows except the ones to the front. Seems as though there is a demand for windows and doors and this demand is being met by thieves. The house is in the vacinity of the road which had broken away some years ago.
New Year, Same Start:
Last year started with a serious accident in Blades Hill #2, on 1st.Jan. This year started with a car running off the road in the corner just past St. Mark's Primary School going in the direction of Super's. The car reportedly driven by young Chris Lashley ran into a pole on Andrew Gumb's property this morning sometime after 7 a.m.Luckily no one was injured in this accident.
Other than that it was apparently a quiet Xmas and old year's for the folks in St. Mark's. Let us hope that 2015 stays quiet. On the national scene: It has been reported that 3 persons have been shot for the year so far. One of these shooting victims has reportedly died. One calypsonian last year sang a song entitled "Gun Town". Seems as though Brabados is in fact a 'Gun Town'.

The St. Mark's Old Scholars' Association held its Annual Xmas Luncheon for Seniors on Saturday, 13th December. Here are some of the faces of those attending:

Guess What! 
I  spoke to Kevin Reece this morning (Friday 28 Nov, 2014) He is all the way in Tanzania and feeling home sick. He is over there doing missionary work. Just imagine that, MP Reece son  from Blades Hill all the way in Tanzania doing missionary work. He has another three weeks there before heading back to NY. Let us wish him well.

I saw Felix Harewood last Friday at Doreen Beckles' funeral. He is the same old Felix. Nothing has changed. And I mean nothing.

The St. mark's Church and the Community groups will get together once again to distribute Xmas hampers to the seniors, shut-ins and needy. You are welcome to send your contributions. It may be a bit late to send a barrel but I am sure that monetary donations can still be wired in time.

Interesting, eh!

How many of you realized that the Government of Barbados is being run by St. Philip?
Check this: The Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart, born in and lives in St. Philip; Attorney General, Adriel Brathwaite, born in and lives in St. Philip; Minister of Transport, Michael Lashley, raised in and lives in St. Philip; Minister of Agriculture, David Estwick, born in and lives in St. Philip; Minister of Trade, Donville Inniss, born and raised in St. Philip; Minister of Finance, Chris Sinckler, lives in St. Philip; Minister of Sports, Steven Lashley, lives in St. Philip; Deputy Speaker of the House, Mara Thompson, lives in St. Philip.

Progress Report on Community Centre
Work on the Community Centre at Blades Hill seems to be progressing smoothly. The windows are in ; the plumbing is yet to be installed; wells are being dug. However, much interest has been generated by the digging of the wells. Apparently every morning one well is full of crystal clear water which suggests that there is a spring smack dab in that spot opposite Volley's Shop. That could prove very interesting. A picture will be  available soon.
The St. Mark's Church held another successful FISH FRY on 31st October at the Roy Thompson Centre. Those attending enjoyed sumptuous food and Karaoke singing. The church is in need of funds to repair the roof which is infested with termites. Your contributions are welcome.

  And the St. Mark's Old scholars held its Annual Bus Ride for members and close friends on November 2nd. A great time was had by those who attended. The Association is preparing to hosts its Annual Christmas Senior Citizens' Luncheon on December 13, 2014. Some 80 persons are expected to be treated.

Action in # 2

Blades Hill #2 was full of action last week. A car with two passengers on board overturned after slamming into Laurie Kinght's garden wall. The female passenger suffered a broken arm.
At the other end of the alley a young man suffered a gash to his shoulder when he was attacked by a cutlass wielding man. It is reported that the two men then unleashed a barrage of bottles and stones at each other sending fear through the alley.The attacked stemmed from a dispute involving the victim and the attacker's brother. The police were called in. (Nov. 3,2014)

Sudden Death
Doreen Beckles formerly of Fortesque Hill, St. Philip passed away today, November1, 2014.(see Obituary)

On Amazon
"From Bajan to Standard English" is now on Amazon. All my overseas friends and visitors to this page can now get their copy. Looking forward to your support which has been noticeably absent so far.

42 years for St.Mark's Old Scholars

(Guess who these persons are; 3 you may not know)

The St. Mark's Old Scholars' Association celebrated its 42nd Anniversary this month (October). The Association attended service at the St. Mark's Church on Sunday 19th October. On Wednesday a new Executive was elected. The Committee is : Winsley Brathwaite, President; Murphy St. Clair, vice president; Jerome Davis Secretary; Ernest Burke, Treasurer; Carl Griffith, Assistant secretary-treasurer; Marcelle Rudder-Clarke, PRO; Floor reps are: Merlene Quintyne, Stella Codrington and Wendy Shorey.

Celebrations Galore!

(Marvin Brathwaite - arrow- admitted to the Bar.

Congratulations are in order for six (6) St. Mark's families.

Soina Lashley's son Christopher Alleyne graduated with a Bsc. in Political Science and Sociology; Merlene Quintyne's daughter Nakila Quintyne graduated with a Bsc. in Management; Marjorie Brathwaite(Darnley's daughter) is overjoyed as her daughter, Maria Walters graduated with a Masters in Human Resource Management; John Goddard's daughter Shari Goddard graduated with a BA in Psychology and Education; and Ivor and Esther Brathwaite are ecstatic as their son Marvin Brathwaite completed his law degree and was admitted to the Bar. Congratulations to all. (October 2014) Also celebrating is Betty Bascombe whose daughter, Mwana Bascombe, graduated with a BA in French and Spanish

Two hospitalized.  
You are asked to remember Zeleta McCollin-Haynes and Byron Greenidge in your prayers. Haynes, Blades Hill, and Greenidge, Thickets, are both in hospital. Greenidge apparently has a broken hip. However, the nature of Haynes' illness is unknown.
Shawn Pinder Heads Police Toastmaster's Club       

Shawn Pinder of Blades Hill #1 is the President of the Police Alliance Toastmaster's Club. She is the first civilian to be elected as head of that organization. Shawn, who gained much of her experience in organizations while a member of the St. Mark's Old Scholars' Association, said that her interest in public speaking began while she was a student at Foundation School. Shawn is a clerical officer at the Barbados Child Care Board.
Kathy is Principal of Alleyne School.

Julia Beckles, better known to us as Kathy, has been appointed principal  of the Alleyne Secondary School. She is the first female principal of that school. Kathy who hails originally from Supers Land, St. Philip, is the daughter of Marguerite Beckles-Philias better known as Lonnis. She is related to the Beckles from Fortesque Hill. The former springer memorial student graduated with 8 CXCs, earning the Student of the Year honour. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and French from UWI, a Diploma in education and management administration and a Master's in human resources. She is 47 years old.
(Oct.5, 2014)
Bus Overturns

Reports reaching this site are that a Transport Board bus overturned in the gully at the bottom of Station Hill (the gully just past the road leading to District C police station if you are going towards Church Village). Fortunately only the driver was onboard. Regrettably he is said to be injured and the bus extensively damaged. The accident occurred sometime after 6.00 a.m  (September 23, 2014)
Two Break-ins in two days

Thieves hit two residences in the St. Mark's area on Sunday and Monday. The Sunday break-in occurred in College Savannah, St. John while the Monday break-in occurred in Supers. The thieves took a flat screen tv and many bottles of alcohol in the Supers raid which occurred while the home owner was in Bridgetown. (June 24, 2014)
Well Done St. Mark's Primary School.
St. Mark's did extremely well in this year's Common Entrance Exam. Of the 19 children who sat the exam 2 passed for Queen's College, 3 for Combermere and 5 for Foundation. Congratulations to all the students and the class teacher. Special thanks to Ms Griffin for her hard work, commitment and didication.
New Site for Centre- Opposite Volley's

Centre hits Snag on day One
While getting ready to dig out the foundation for the new Centre it was discovered that the architerct had located the Centre in the wrong  spot. The contractors are now busy readying the correct spot which is directly west of Volley's shop, with the Centre facing the east. This is just what the residents wanted in the first place.
New Centre
The sod was turned today, Friday, 21February, 2014 for the new community centre to be built at Blades Hill. The multi-purpose centre will be built to the west of the computer centre( the old science room) and will face the primary school.

St.Mark's Sports Day 2014

J'noy Davis - Victor Ludorum.

New Priest @ ST. MARK"S
St. Mark's has a new priest. He is David Yarde. He replaces Cortez Nurse.Let us extend a warm welcome to Rev. Yarde and wish him all the best during his tenure at St. Mark's.

New Look Blades Hill # 2  tree stump to right of  car.

Years of History Gone
Dairy Tree before it was cut down

Many of you will remember playing dominoes or waiting for Beckles' snowball cart under "Dairy Tree" in Blades Hill #2. Well treasure that memory. For the large mohogany tree is nomore. It has been cut down to a stump. Years ago the shady over-hang to the road was trimmed. Now the entire tree has been cut down, giving the alley a new look. (Picture to come). I know Dalton and Sherwin will go "Oh man!" at this news because they spent days and days under that tree. The tree must have been over 100 years old. I have fond memories of the days spent there during the summer holidays. (Jan 16,2014)

On another note: Diabetes has claimed another limb. Joseph "Pajoe" Goddard of College Savannah has lost a leg to the dreaded desease. Let us pray that God gives him the strength to cope with his challenge. About two or three years ago Anderson "Wizard" Weekes of Bayfield lost a leg to diabetes.

Launch of Barbados’ first Karaoke Club


At a time when the interest in karaoke singing is at a high, history will be made when Mamee Pot & Bar launches its Karaoke Club, the first of its kind in Barbados. The club will be launched with a free show on Saturday, 7th December, 2013 at Mamee Pot & Bar, Fortesque, St. Philip. The show starts at 8 p.m.

The Club, the brainchild of community practitioner, Jerome Davis, is seeking to harness the energy of the young people who frequent the Bar to sing karaoke every Wednesday and Sunday night.

The objectives of the club are to expose talent in the community, encourage exchanges across Barbados, enhance the personal development of its members, perform at community events and assist in the promotion of the host bar.

There are already eighteen (18) members in the Club and they will all be performing at the free show. It is the hope of the organizers who include proprietor Aaron Bancroft, and Winsley Brathwaite that other clubs will spring up across Barbados so that friendly competitions and exchanges can be arranged.


29th. November, 2013

In Barbados neighbours still call you over for a hand of bananas or a breadfruit. (pic bySherwin "Doctor" Sargeant)
Congratulations to RPB for winning his tenth Calypso Crown (2012)
The St. Mark's Old Scholars' Association is this month celebrating its 41 st. Anniversary. The new executive is:  Winsley Brathwaite, president; Murphy St. Clair, vice president; Jerome Davis, secretary; Ernest Burke, treasurer; Carl Griffith, assistant secretary/treasurer; Marcelle Rudder-Clarke, PRO; Gerald Mason, Wendy Shorey and Loraine Hunte-Burke, floor reps. (Oct. 2013)


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