Three Houses Park


The native Indians of Barbados settled near springs and streams in the early days. Three Houses spring was one of these springs near to which the Indians lived. The wooded area that is now Three Houses Park was once home to these Indians.

In the years prior to the opening of the park, the youngsters from the surrounding areas would frequent the northern side of the wooded area, which they always said could be made into a park. There, they would play cricket, roast breadfruits and cook some tasty dishes. During the summer vacation the area would ring out with the cries of the lads from nearby.

The nearby spring would draw the youngsters like a nail to a magnet. They spent many days there catching fish and frolicking in the ever-flowing pristine water. At that time the spring was flanked by coconut trees and tall majestic palms, which have all disappeared.

The spring also served as a laundry for generations of housewives. The women would flock to the area with their loads of soiled linen and clothes to make use of the free-flowing water and the smooth rocks, which served as ‘juking board’ and bleaching ground.

In 1986, Jerome Davis put the proposal to the St. Mark’s Old Scholar’s Association that Government be approached about transforming the entire area into a park. The Association followed through with the proposal and subsequently met with Warwick Franklin the then Member of Parliament for St. Philip North. The Association also sought and got the approval of Mr. Ward the then owner of the land. The government bought the idea and the Park was opened on 28th April 1990.

 The St. Mark’s Old Scholar’s Association also wrote the government of Barbados requesting that the Park be named after the late Florence Daysh. Florence Daysh was born Florence Smith on 22 March 1908 at Golden Grove and grew up at Thicket plantation. In 1950 she was elected to the Vestry of St. Philip, and soon afterwards appointed to the Legislative Council.  In 1958 she was the only woman nominated to contest the elections for the Federal Parliament. She won handsomely, defeating Errol Barrow, and served with distinction until the demise of the Parliament. Up to the time of writing the Park was not renamed.

Of n0te: The St. Mark's Old Scholars' Association was not informed of the opening ceremony, nor were the members invited. In fact no mention was made of the Association at the opening. 

Taken from "Morals and Values for Living" by E. Jerome Davis.

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If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for
always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows that he will also reap.

The road to alcoholism starts with one sip while the road to drug addiction starts with
one puff.

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not
wise. (prov. 20:1)

A fool does not see danger even when warned.

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